Sisters’ Publications

Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis

We invite you to learn more about us by viewing these publications created and maintained by our Sisters

Peace, love, and all good permeate our hearts and our world

2023 Jubilee Edition of Peace and All Good

2021 Jubilee Edition of Peace and All Good

Peace and All Good is a publication put out by the Mission Advancement Office

Sr. Sandy Lasecke, Director.

Excerpt from Ecumenical Missiology: Changing Landscapes and New Conceptions of Mission

Sr. Madge Karecki

Through a lens calibrated and focused on post-Vatican II Catholic mission documents, Sr. Madge Karecki provides an assessment on the development of the World Council of Churches' (WCC) document, Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes (TTL). Click here to read her essay.

Sage-ing Age-ing - November 2021

Sage-ing Age-ing - October 2021

Sr. Jane Zoltek

Sage-ing Age-ing is a monthly newsletter by Sr. Jane Zoltek. Sr. Jane has published several books, including Awaken Your Spirit DailyPathways to Peaceful Living A to Z, and Senior Moments of Reflection: Nourishing Mind, Body, Spirit. Some are available online by clicking here.

A native of Detroit, Michigan, Sr. Jane served for many years as a teacher and pastoral minister before her retirement. She resides at Marymount Congregational Home in Garfield Heights, Ohio.

View archived issues of Sage-ing Age-ing

St. Joseph

Sr. Rose Grabowski

Enjoy this poem written by Sr. Rose Grabowski.

If Nuns Ruled the World book reflection

Sr. Jane Zoltek

Sr. Jane Zoltek, author of Sage-ing Age-ing (linked above), shares her reflection on the book, If Nuns Ruled the World, by Jo Piazza.

10 Things You Gain by Entering Religious Life

Sr. Shannon Fox

There are many things I have gained in the process of living out my call as a Franciscan. In that spirit, I thought, it would be appropriate to list 10 things that you gain by entering religious life.

In the Shadows of Advent

Sr. Deb Weina

Enjoy this Advent video reflection created by Sr. Deb Weina, SSJ-TOSF.
Click here to view the video.

The Importance of Keys in Our Lives

Sr. Anthony Leno

Click here to read the reflectionThe Importance of Keys in Our Lives, written by Sr. Anthony Leno, SSJ-TOSF.

A Multiplication of Loaves

A reflection written by Sr. Leandra Chraca, SSJ-TOSF and posted in her loving memory.

Click here to read her reflection.

My Treasure Chest

Sr. Roselle Lesinski

Click here to read the poemMy Tresure Chest, written by Sr. Roselle Lesinski, SSJ-TOSF.

Spirit Unbound

Sr. Sharon Dillon

Sister Sharon Dillon is a respected leader, administrator, and retreat facilitator. As a 15-year master Special Education and Franciscan Spiritual Director, she is a self-proclaimed avid reader and is always looking at life with a focus on the integration of theology with her Franciscan spirituality. The topic will be changed monthly (at the beginning of the month) and feedback is welcomed.


Sr. Caroline Cerveny

With the Year of Faith, I will be focusing on how we can share faith using these wonderful digital tools that are now available to us. Come visit!

Catechesis 2.0

Sr. Caroline Cerveny

We are a community of bloggers sharing our posts with religious educators across the world. We are focusing on Web 2.0 tools and suggesting how they can be used in the faith world.

Instruments of Peace

Sr. Dorothy Pagosa

Instruments of Peace is a blog of the Social Justice Office of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis. Each month Sr. Dorothy Pagosa, Social Justice Director will share about justice issues, how they relate to Franciscanism and Catholic Social Teaching.

Build with Living Stones

During the year groups are reading the book, “Build with Living Stones.” At the end of each chapter participants reflect on the question, “What is meaningful in this reading and how does it impact your life?” Click on the videos below to listen to our sisters’ and associates’ personal reflections.