Want to Become an Illegal Immigrant?

Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis

Want to Become an Illegal Immigrant?

By Sr. Barb Krakora

First, live in a place

where your neighborhood is run by gangs who want your children;

where your employment opportunities are in drugs, trafficking, and prostitution;

where you are always sick because there is no sanitation or clean water;

where global warming has flooded the land you once farmed on;

where you pray every night that God will save you from this hell.


Then, when you are desperate to save your family

from the gangs, from a life of prostitution, from trafficking, from starvation; when you have nothing to lose;

when staying means certain death and leaving is your only hope;

when you no longer care why God seems to ignore your suffering;


That's when you run;

not knowing if you will make it;

not knowing where you will find food and water;

not knowing what further abuses and violence you still must face.


But you run for your life;

for your family;

for your future;

for the speck of faith that is left in you.


You run for the Border!