I am at Peace with my Decision

Sr. Imelda Goska
For many years I lived independently at Clare Oaks, but recently I began to have some health issues with my legs. In July it was recommended that I move to the Felician Health Center to receive additional health care and therapy. Even though the staff at both Clare Oaks and the Felician's gave me excellent care, I also was aware of our Congregation's decision to begin moving our Sisters to Marymount. I prayed to know God's will for me: should I stay, or should I go? For several weeks I discerned the matter with the Sisters and with my family. In the end, with the Holy Spirit's guidance, I decided that it would be best to move to Marymount.
When I arrived on March 25th, our Sisters were there to greet me, and there was a welcome sign on my door and a bouquet of flowers in my room. Everything was done to help me feel comfortable, yet I must admit that I was not happy in my new surroundings at first. In fact I hated being there. Nothing was familiar and I missed my former caregivers. I initially felt that I was a burden to those who had to address my needs, and it seemed to me that they were not interested in my well-being. I also didn't like being so far from my family. It was going to take some time to get used to things.
Then I began physical therapy. It was very hard and the staff pushed me to keep doing more. I didn't like this either, but I made amazing progress in my ability to walk and improve the mobility of my arm. Now I can do far more for myself than I could before I came here. The therapists are excellent in what they do.
I have been at Marymount Place for four months now, and I can honestly say that I am happy that I made the choice to come here. I have accepted my situation and am at peace with my decision. I am glad that I am with our Sisters and I am getting to know everyone better each day. Our Sisters have been wonderful in visiting me in my room and in making sure that I have what I need. My current goal is to get out of my room more and visit the people who live here with me. I also plan to find out what activities I can participate in and look forward to attending upcoming events on the Marymount campus.