Clare Oaks Jubilee

Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis

Clare Oaks Jubilee

Clare Oaks Jubilee

On June 8, 2019 a Jubilee Liturgy of Thanksgiving was celebrated in honor of Sr. Therese Marie Scrip, a 75 year Jubilarian and Sr. Josita Krzeminski, a 60 year Jubilarian at Clare Oaks.  After the liturgy, everyone was invited to enjoy a festive dinner in the dining room.  It was truly a day to celebrate the lives of Sr. Therese Marie and Sr. Josita.  On the back cover of their program they wrote:

Our most sincere thanks to all who contributed in any way to make this Jubilee day special and memorable for us, to all who have come to join us in our celebration, and to all who have journeyed with us through the years as family, Sisters, and friends.  Know that we will continue to hold you gratefully and lovingly in our hearts, prayers, and memories.  God bless you with peace, joy, and all good!

Sisters praying Therese and Josita